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How to improve your energy efficiency and EPC

Step by step


Property assessment

A virtual property survey tailored to your individual needs. Our virtual surveys are highly interactive, with you present to discuss issues and potential solutions.


Energy Audit

Analyse your energy/water bills for the last 12 months to help you identify areas for improvement. 




A detailed 10-page report with estimated reductions in energy use for each measure.

The report covers the topics below:
- Boiler/central heating
- Hot water
- Heating/hot water controls
- Radiators
- Energy supplier and billing
- Electricity/lighting
- Insulation and ventilation
- Kitchen appliances
- Renewable energy
We consider no/low cost measures as well as more major works.



Phone Call

Follow up phone call to discuss our report in detail and your next steps.



Extra chargeable services

A follow up call to discuss our report, the recommendations we made in detail and answer any questions you may have. We can undertake a specification for tender, and can find certified contractors.

Step by step
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